Mediocre Opera [4] How Double & Triple Videos in YT Playlists happen & why they expose Bot Accounts

2023-09-02 3

Part of the Mediocre Opera Series:
YouTube's Fake engagement policy:

TL;DW Summary: Seeing three times the exact same Video in one Playlist is a clear sign of the Account being a Bot, as it's not realistic for a Human to act in very specific ways to get these Triple Videos. Seeing a Double Video or just a few is not always incriminating using the previous logic though, as any Human may accidentally do it once in a while, but if you notice SEVERAL of them, this would make it evident it's a Bot Account. The 3 Users shown in this Video all had these in common, were the few that had their Playlists Public, and were all connected to an individual in some way, making it proof enough that they're Botting.

I'll also add these Bots usually Save the same Videos but in different Playlists, sometimes 7 of them, so almost none have their own original content and you'll see the exact same sequence of 5+ Videos repeat itself. When Doubles+ are in these sequences, maybe for different Videos, it clearly shows these Playlists were all updated at the exact same time, it's getting ridiculous then.

This is about what is normal human behavior, I don't think it's realistic for people to act in these ways, and the finishing blow, Bots do not care about how fast YouTube is and will try to add as many Videos, even retrying on the same ones, as they can.

Or even if we are to believe there are such weirdos, well finding SEVERAL acting like this becomes as slim as stumbling on Atlantis. I was only able to find the 3 Bot Users shown here because they were all connected to the same guy in some way and were the few having Public Playlists, they also used the same strange language, so it'd be too much of a coincidence and instead proves these are Bots of this one guy, and there are surely more. No Users that I deemed as Human during my investigation showcased these weird traits.

There are surely more clues to differentiate Bots & Humans, but Double and Triple Videos were what I wanted to touch upon in its own Video as I keep mentioning it in my Mediocre Opera but it's too technical to explain everytime, for the sake of time. I showcase these Accounts in much closer details in my Series, for more proof.

I also wrote much more details in the Description of the YouTube Version of this Video: